Decimal Engineered Systems
  • At Decimal we get straight to the point!
    We can help you build a road map from initial investment to revenue, aided by our best-in-class industry knowledge and holistic technology platform that includes hydrocarbon, ethanol, and CO2 extraction and processing equipment. From craft to industrial scale, Decimal's complete lab packages are designed for your needs and budget.

  • Decimal systems can meet the demands of any current or future regulatory landscape, including GMP, C1D1, or ATEX workspaces. Our team of compliance experts will get you up and running quickly with certified equipment and SOPs that are tailored to the requirements of your jurisdiction.

  • Decimal systems utilize the highest degree of automation to ensure repeatable results and eliminate operator error. From batch to batch and site to site, you can count on our quality to define your brand.

  • Decimal systems are designed and manufactured in the USA using domestic steel and components. We can protect you from supply chain disruptions and hidden pitfalls nobody told you about! Contact us today to learn more and to make this first step to choosing the right partner for your extraction business.



Whether you have specific questions about equipment features, want information on pricing, or have general inquiries about our systems, the Decimal team are here to help.


(877) 423-4977


461 NE 3rd Ave, Canby, OR 97013